Owari no Seraph

Owari no Seraph

The story takes place in a world where an unknown virus has killed the entire human population except for children under 13. Those children were then enslaved by vampires. The manga centers on Yuichiro Hyakuya, a human who dreams of becoming strong enough to kill all vampires.

(Source: Anime News Network)

Official Streaming Sources

  • Type:TV
  • Studios:Wit Studio, Shueisha, 10GAUGE, Rakuonsha, NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan
  • Date aired: 4-4-2015 to 20-6-2015
  • Status:FINISHED
  • Genre:Action, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery, Supernatural
  • Scores:73
  • Popularity:256144
  • Duration:24 min/ep
  • Quality: HD
  • Episodes:12

Anime Characters




War is a tool of exploitation for the people on the ground to be taken advantage of and capitalized by those in power. It’s a tale as old as the nations themselves, and one found in every medium from from history books to video games. But its one we keep telling because everyone’s just figuring out how to live with it. _Seraph of the End_ is adapted from the manga by Takaya Kagami about two boys that interweave throughout other people’s lives in a post-apocalyptic land of endless war. This war between humans and vampires takes root in the different between the other race’s “instinctual values” of lust vs systemic order. (I will be using the word sapience in this review to group together these two races for lack of a better word). Over the course of two seasons, characters are subjected to dehumanization, human experimentation, and political manipulation for the benefit of the fascist or oligarchical governments. However, _Seraph_ doesn’t particularly care about most of the things going on in the world, as long as the main characters’ “family” are protected. __Spoilers for both seasons after this point__ While there are many things happening in post-apocalypse human-vampire Japan, the show prioritizes its cast of characters. The two main characters followed are Yuuichirou Hyakuya and Mikaela Hykuya, two orphans that used to live a human ghetto ruled by vampires but then were separated by an escape attempt. Yuuichirou's personality over the course of the show is unchanging; protect your family at all costs. It doesn't matter what else is happening to the people or the world around you, protect your family. A result of him losing the family he had back in the vampire-ruled ghetto.

Mikaela is one of those family members, as he was believed to be killed only to be revived by one of the vampire nobles because of his potential as a Seraph orphan, and a powerful social agent connected to Yu. Mikaela's character is pretty similar to Yuuichirou, he wants to be reunited with his family at all costs, except he never really does anything else. The vampires manipulate him, make him believe that Yu is being manipulated, kill children in front of him. But he just sits and stews in silence. Even when he is finally reunited with Yu briefly in season 1 and then later in season 2, he doesn't really care about the things Yu says. He just keeps repeating that they need to escape together and get away from the rest of the world. Mikaela has lost hope in the morals of all people, but Yu believes that there are still some who can be redeemed. As for the rest of the characters, most of them have a prominent personality trait that defines them, or two. Shinoa likes to take shots at her friends, defending herself with self-assigned cuteness. Kimizuki wants to be strong to ensure his sister is healed, so he will fight anyone who says he isn't strong (most of the time this is Yu). Yoichi is pretty nervous about life, knees wobbling a lot of the times when things get scary. I could go on but for all the characters, humans and vampires alike, their characters can be narrowed down to a few prominent, unchanging personality traits that only seemingly change by the end of season 2 because their characters stopped getting screen time at all. Focused on all these characters, the show positions the audience's experience of the events in the world from their perspective. When people are killed on the battlefield, many times they are no names, never even given respect for their deaths. If something large politically is happening, we see how the characters react to it. Yet, the characters never really have reactions to what their governments are doing unless it directly inflicts physical pain upon the people they love. I add a reminder here that narratives are inherently political as they are stories built from familiar experiences or memories that are designed by someone to be similar or different to our ideas of them. Those narratives influence how we make our decisions and how we see the world. In the back half of season 1, Yuuichirou keeps receiving hints that there is something inside him that isn't demon or human, and that the human military are exploiting him for it. This reveals itself by the end of the season as the Seraph of the End (aha! the show's title!), a dormant angel that Yuuichirou can release that will kill any sapient being as an act of atonement for the lust of humanity. It only appears for a short while in the first season, and none of the characters really treat it as a big deal. Shinoa goes to a secret testing lab that their troop leader, Guren, is doing research at and she confronts him on whether or not Yu had been a subject of human experimentation. But it doesn't progress any further from there, Guren doesn't answer the question. Instead he just pokes at her for possibly having a crush on Yu instead. This deters Shinoa, and causes her to become embarrassed and leave, effectively prioritizing her infatuation for Yu over the unethical treatment of him.
yu's seraph of the end
At the end of season 2 Kureto Hirage succeeds in summoning his own Seraph of the End, the 7th trumpet, in order to wipe out all beings opposed to his rule from the face of the Earth. He kills humans and vampires alike, characters we have seen all season are ripped to shreds. But it doesn't matter for any of our characters until one of their "family" are at risk. Once Yu sees that Mikaela is at risk, he decides that its okay to become the Seraph of the End himself in order to protect them. From these character point of views, the horrible things that people do when they are in places of power, or simply just to exploit others aren’t all that bad. Instead of there ever being systemic resistance to the problems happening in the world, characters are either willingly used as political pawns or treat these acts as isolated personality traits not affecting them. This is especially true of the protagonist Yu, which the show places at the heart of its themes and values. As many entries in the shounen genre focus on the battles and struggles of their heroes, it is the values of that hero being conveyed when the audience sees them succeed. Many times this makes villains out to be pretty twisted or even just pretty toxic, in order for the hero to show that they are wrong. In _Seraph of the End_, Yu tells the audience that the people close to us are the only thing that matter, even if they hurt you or do detestable things. This is the ultimate value of _Seraph of the End_, family. Family is the main value that drives all of the characters throughout the show. Each one has their own idea of what it means, but it is always the reason for the characters actions. But the show's definition of family is pretty uncomfortable at that. Most of the characters have pretty traditional ideas of the family unit, it can mean friends or a lost sibling. But we mostly get ideas of how a family should be from Yu. The audience is constantly reminded about how important family is to Yu through his dialogue, flashbacks, and internal battles with his demon, Ashuramaru. But the values of what a family value is revealed through a conversation Yu has with Mika when they reunite at the end of season 2. >I was already dead when my parents abandoned me. But because Guren and you kept me alive, I'm still here today. That's why I don't mind if you guys want to use me. After a few words, Mika pretty much accepts this, and as a result Guren isn't demonized anymore. Instead, the show sees him as a family member, purely for the fact of keeping Yu alive. This isn't a healthy family structure though. We've all seen enough Disney Channel movies to know that living your life for your parents means is unhealthy! This is the main value of what family means to the characters in the show because there is never a rejection past this point. Mika attempted to help Yu, but in Yu's acceptance he agreed to it. All of Yu's friends knew that Yu was a subject of human experimentation by Guren, but their opinion of him never changes. As long as a person is part of the family, it doesn’t matter what their morals are.
stop talking
This is one of the largest problems I have with this show. Getting past the fact that no one seems to care when countless numbers of people are slaughtered (because according to the show they are in the army and their lives don’t matter????), it doesn’t recognize the systems of power that harm people. _Seraph_ sees each person as an individual who can make actions despite everything they are connected to. But this is the biggest fallacy that the show takes solace in. All of the characters who see their family being harmed consistently fail to recognize that the short-term harm they are witnessing is a result of horrible decisions made by the systems of power they could be resisting. As a result of this fallacy _Seraph’s_ core ideology believes that those being oppressed shouldn’t resist the oppressive system, but keep focus on the individuals enacting local wrongdoings. _Seraph of the End_ fails at the primary aspect of character-based shounens by never giving characters meaningfully engaged conflicts to work through over the course of the show. Thanks to an overuse of the word family for almost every problem, and excusing atrocities for the sake of being a human the conflicts lose all significance. This is the biggest problem that _Seraph_ has and it bleeds into every aspect of the show. For that matter, there are a lot of other character-based shounen, or war-critical anime you could be watching instead.



# [~~~**This review will contain Spoilers for the show!**~~~]()
Owari no Seraph is...weird, it feels a lot like a bad mixutre of AoT with its "I MUST DESTROY THE BAD GUYS" vibe but also like Tokyo Ghoul with its Vampires and Demons creatures. [**_(SPOILER AHEAD)_ STORY:**]() The story focuses on Yuuichiruou Hyakuya. After a deadly virures that kills anyone above the age of 13 spreads across the globe he gets captured into the base of the vampires to be used as livestock for them, he really hates his oppressors and wants to kill every last one of them. There are some hints of the brother of Yuuichiruou, Mikaeala, working with the vampires (he gets his blocked sucked by the royals and in return he gets cool stuff), this is important as it puts up a death flag. After planning out an escape route they get abushed by the vampires yet again, everyone apart from Yuuichirou gets killed. Remember that death flag I mentioned earlier, yeah that happens, Yuuichi's rage becomes intense. In the last few episodes we see that Yuuichi has some demon stored inside him that activates when he gets super pissed off. Apparently its an experiment by the humans to defeat the evil forces. So yeah, it went from like 0 to 100 fast. ~~~img420(https://media0.giphy.com/media/FW4HczmVrOWgU/giphy.gif)~~~
[**CHARACTERS:**]() **Yuuichirou** - He is the most dumb character out of them all, he doesn't care for training, team, or even planning. He just wants to kill them Vampires. I really didn't like his character, he's so eager to fight in the bad way. **Shinoa** - The only interesting character, she has wit and humour. A good combination. She always mocks Yuuichi, which believe it or not sets up a flag of romance. **Shihou** - His behaviour is more cold compared to the rest, he fights to make money for his sisters medical bill to help her fight the deadly virus. Despite his cold behaviour he takes care of his squad. **Yoichi** - The most scared character of all time. He hesitates to do anything because of his memories with the vampires and how they killed his sister who wanted to protect him. I wasn't a huge fan of this character too calm and scared. He was also voiced by "Nobuhiko Okamoto", you know, the guy who is known for his screaming voice, yeah shit was weird to hear him whisper and murmur. **Mitsuba** - An obvious tsundere, she hates the way Yuuichi jumps into action without thinking but *oh boy* here's a romance flag and a possible competition between Shinoa and her. There are more character that appeared in the show but they were of less importance in my opinion. Like for example: Guren, he was there through most of the episodes but all he did was drop kick Yuuichi. ~~~img420(https://cdn67.picsart.com/193871842003201.gif?r1024x1024)~~~
[**ART/ANIMATION:**]() The animation is not bad, this Anime was done by Wit Studio, the quality is really good to be honest. The same goes for the art style of the show, I can't really complain there. But the backgrounds were a different story, they felt off and artificial. Although as if the characters and objects in the show were glued on top of them. I wasn't a huge fan of that. ~~~img420(https://media3.giphy.com/media/XPqT56EIwpLDq/giphy.gif)~~~
[**MUSIC:**]() The OP and ED of this show are bangers to be honest. They are really catchy and I do listen to them even after completing the show. There wasn't really a memorable OST this time round, which is sad but hey. Such is life. ~~~img420(https://i.makeagif.com/media/5-05-2015/Zc1HhF.gif)~~~
[**OVERALL OPINION:**]() Owari no Seraph tries its best to be something big but falls flat from predictable plot and uninteresting characters. I predict a lot of stuff that was gonna happen, which is a shame. I really liked the idea of the demon weapons even if that were basically Quinques from Tokyo Ghoul.



# Rundown Owari no Seraph is about a deadly virus that manifest in Tokyo. The virus kills those above 13 yrs old. The virus was spread by vampires and the children are taken under their "protection" to give blood. Yuuichirou Hyakuya and Mikaela Hyakuya are two orphans that were enslaved by the vampires in an underground city. After Mikaela, Yuuichirou, and the other orphans try to escape to Tokyo they encounter Ferid Bathory. After being the only one to escape, Yuuichirou is found by Guren Ichinose, a Lieutenant Colonel of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army . Yuuichirou swears to avenge his "family" thus launching him into intense training and lessons to join the Japanese Imperial Demon Army. #My Opinion After watching Owari no Seraph, I finished my thoughts and started to write a review. (I will try to limit the amount of spoilers.) Throughout the series we are shown the life of Yuuichirou and how he was able obtain power in order to avenge his "family". Though I feel like the story focused more on him than any of the other characters. In one case I noticed we didn't get much of a character development for Shinoa Hiiragi, the captain of the squad Yuuichirou later joined. I also feel as if Mikaela's life after the incident was left barely touched, there could have been more episodes that touched on Mikaela's life but we didn't get any in season one. However a double-edged sword in this series was the pacing. Though the plot was interesting it never moved to fast, but, in some cases it moved to slow. In on instance lets talk about (!SPOILER ALERT!) (!SPOILER ALERT!) Mikaela and Yuuichirou reuniting, they reunited only TWO episodes away from the finale, the build up for this moment was fun yet excruciating. Other than that the plot was pretty good. Now onto animation, in my opinion the animation was a on par. It kept up with action scenes and the movement of the characters was also good. The only problem I really had, which I heard other reviewers bring this up, was the background. Sometimes it looked lazy and it stood out with how mismatched it was to the characters. Other than that the over all animation was actually pretty good. The anime has 12 episodes but a few specials and a season 2. I had a really nice time actually watching the show and I do recommend it if you want a watch in the vampire/action genre. . Again I hope you all enjoyed this and hope you tune in to my next review. Again, let me know if you have any anime you would like me to review. Stay Safe XOXO- DXSweets



Man, where do I even start with this anime? I should probably preface this by saying I love fantasy stories: (Vampires, Fairies, Demons, Witches, Royalty, and so on) are usually things I like in anime. However, this one somehow has cool fantasy elements and is still boring and dull. I'm going to break this review up into two parts the good and the bad. _~~~__The Good: __~~~_ - _Art Style:_ The watercolor background is unique and works well. The fight scenes look nice, and the art doesn't falter as the scenes continue. - _Character Design_: A little basic, and all side characters look the same, but the main characters still manage to stick out, and you don't forget them by episode 2. - The opening theme song: Personal preference, but I really enjoyed the theme song; X.U. by SawanoHiroyuki added it to my Anime Music Playlist. - ___Spoilers ahead. You have been warned.___ - _~~~__The Bad: __~~~_ - The storyline: 2/10 The setting is a post-apocalypse human vs. vampire located in Japan. A virus killed humans that were older than 13yrs. This story is just bad. You know what's going to happen in episode 12 the minute you finish episode 1. The plot holes are enormous: why does the virus only kill people over the age of 13? How did 10% of the population over the age of 13 survive the virus? Why is there even a high-school period in this anime? Besides the plot holes, the story doesn't keep you interested. The point for the main character Yuuichirou Hyakuya is revenge for his killed "family." It's a generic plot, but one many (myself included) can get into. The problem is how they progress forward once you understand Yuuichirou's goal. Instead of the main character going into training and developing his skills to kill vampires. He pushes how he is the best, and no one can defeat him, even though he has no actual history of killing vampires. Then the main character somehow starts winning fights against vampires and overcoming demons, and you're just sitting there like, how did he do that. This aspect takes you out of the immersion because a 12-year-old boy with no talent, no skill, and no training is taking down royal vampires ( who are supposed to be the biggest and baddest of them all). He can overcome demons by just pure will. Having the main character who isn't humble, doesn't get humbled, and is overpowered for no other reason than being the main character is disappointing. You can't even root for him, because what's the point he's going to win, not because he put blood, sweat, and tears into training, no because he is the main character. Other shows do this; however, to balance it, they have some super hyped unbeatable antagonist. This show didn't show any character like that. Maybe the vampire queen, but you only see her for 15 minutes out of the entire season. Watching this show, you will keep getting ejected from the immersion because every episode, the thought this was convenient, will pop up. The other problem is the lack of actual violence for a post-apocalypse and vampire hunter. There are really only 3 episodes of true hunting, and the fight scenes are over the second they start. Now I hate drawn out long episode fight scenes that don't finish until the next episode. But having a fight scene starts, the blade hits the target once, and then it's over, leaves you feeling frustrated. - Dialogue: 1/10 Honestly, the dialogue is one of the worst things about this show. It feels like the writer didn't know if he wanted a comedy or an edgy script. They can't make up their minds on how to call vampires, so they switch between; vampires, vamps, bloodsuckers, and parasites. When the cast is talking about killing the vampires, it's very calm and makes you feel like their heart isn't in it. That's how the dialogue leaves you feeling like there isn't any emotion or hard-driving force for the characters' actions. Lines like " I'll make sure no one dies " should be impactful but come off sounding whiny, and what's the point for rooting for the main character since Yuuichirou is not gonna win off of actual skill, just plot device. The voice lines are delivered decently, but when the character is saying them is not believable. - Characters & Character Development: 2/10 All I can say for this is " What Character Development." There wasn't any. Overall: Pretty meh, if you like it, I don't judge you, there are plenty of animes I love as a guilty pleasure that is hot garbage. If you want to watch this, I recommend not doing so. Or if you have honestly run out of things to watch and want to know why people are so divided on this show, then go ahead and take a chance. ~~~___Overall Rating: 5/10___ ~~~ Thank you for reading my review. Have a great day.



Before I even start this pseudo-babble thing I wouldn't really _call_ a review, I have to put out one disclaimer. __The rating you will see at the bottom isn't really accurate.__ Most people would consider that as a fairly decent score – but, by my standards, __this is so far one of the lowest scores I have ever given to a series.__ Note that it isn't horrible by any means, you can still get some enjoyment out of watching Owari no Seraph. __Also lots of spoilers. If you haven't watched the series yet, I recommend to watch it (or not) and check the review afterwards. I cannot promise you that it doesn't spoil absolutely everything. But don't come at me later complaining I spoiled almost the entire story, that's the point.__ Oh boy, where to even begin. Let's say I wasn't already convinced by the ratings some people I follow have given to this series. Two or three stars isn't exactly, well, high. I started watching this mainly because I had little time to watch anything longer, and because the story piqued my interest. To put this long and convoluted story short, this OVA has taken so much of my time I just have to write my thoughts out, because this is so far the most conflicting OVA I have seen, and in quite a long time. It's funny how I watched this because I had little time, and it resulted in me wasting the little time I've had brainstorming predictions for the next episode. I'll try to segment this review in some bits that are easier to follow. Let's start with the art and overall appearance. ~~~__Appearance: 6/10__~~~ Owari no Seraph isn't outstanding. There are some moments where it truly shines (in my opinion, I think the uniforms are just _rad_ and downright inspired), but in some areas, it clearly chokes _hard_. I don't think it's a spoiler to say the city gets real samey-looking after a few episodes. I always expected something more interesting than just, well, ruins to appear. Maybe I am too hard to impress, who knows. Details on characters and such are lost anywhere from two feet from the MC to fifty kilometers. Animations seem to be cut on a whim as well, but I really only noticed in the last two or so episodes. If there was more work invested into making it look better, I think I could easily give this an 8, but here we are. There's a lot of potential wasted. Which, well, brings me to another part... ~~~__Sound: 4/10__~~~ __Where's the sound?__ I really don't remember anything outside the intro and outro songs. If there is any soundtrack, it is extremely forgettable and that's not what you really want from an anime. In comparison, despite Gundam AGE being what it is, I have the entire soundtrack on my phone because some tracks are just real bangers. This? I can hardly remember how _footsteps_ sounded. Nothing that I remember sounded bad, but that's the problem – _was there anything that sounded good?_ ~~~__Characters: 7/10__ ~~~ Dear God, this one was tough to write. There are a few characters I feel like they could have some real, legitimate, _creme de la creme_ development. On the other hand, the MC is unlikable, at least by me. I don't know if you can relate. The main character, Yu, starts off as a relatively innocent child in the first episode. From the third to the eight episode, I couldn't like him at all. All "power this, power that". Now, don't get me wrong. I like characters obsessed with power, but only if they're written well. Yu doesn't improve until the ninth episode. The rest of the squad are, thankfully, decently done over time, albeit there's not a lot of development there. There could have been so much more weren't it for the botched pace. Funnily enough, I consider Guren to be one of my favorite characters, because he just seems arrogant at first, but then he becomes a bit more detailed, understandable, I would call it. This is the only part of the review that really sounds kind of positive. I'd like to tear the story a new one, but I cannot do that, as I did like some segments. ~~~__Story: 4/10__~~~ I feel the story was the thing that attracted me the most to Owari no Seraph. Vampires, post-apocalyptic setting? Sign me up, I'm a childhood Castlevania fan. The premise was really promising. I thought I was gonna be enjoying this OVA quite a lot, and that it'd be refreshing from the stuff I watched recently. Maybe it could also surprise me? It surprised me alright. I just wish it was the good kind of a surprise. My thoughts about the story were completely squashed once I got to the fourth episode. "Oh, wait, so they get their weapons just this late? I thought it'd be like the second episode or sometime earlier.." No, they absolutely have to bash it into your head that Yu was in an orphanage and he saw what was basically his family die, and that happens almost every episode. You can imagine how much that frustrated me, as the time for those segments could have been used for something far more useful. You know, introduction, rise, climax, conclusion/catastrophe? I know that _Freytag's Pyramid_ is more of a literature term, but it could apply here as well. Even character development could have been improved with just these few moments from every episode. Subtlety would work wonders here. By that I mean the pace is absolutely, at least in my opinion, __botched__. The real stuff starts happening so late in the OVA that I thought it was just gonna end in the middle of it all and continue in the sequel. Thankfully that didn't happen, but looking at it now, I believe I would have taken that rather than the fairly disappointing ending we got. I understand it's meant to set up a sequel, but it leaves too many loose ends, very little gets tied up and I don't really see anything, well, changing too much after those twelve episodes. Everything looks the same to me. You'd expect actual payoff from such a big premise. It is possible, I have seen it in the past, and there was no baiting to be done for a sequel, either! All I can really say that changed is my outlook on the vampires. I thought of them as a lesser evil in the first few episodes, but after that, they just turned way too negative to be really curious to me in any way. Just antagonists in a different shade of pale grey. ~~~__Enjoyment: 6.5/10__~~~ Despite all of this, I kind of enjoyed the OVA. Kind of. Nothing spectacular – a score of six is already very low for me, so you can pretty much ascertain if I liked a lot, not much or almost nothing. ~~~__Overall: 6.5/10 // 65/100__ ~~~ The review summary pretty much described the OVA. On one hand, there are some clearly interesting concepts, ideas, characters, setpieces, so on. And then, there's so many failed attempts at improving at them, or the lack thereof. There is so much more that can be done with a setting as this, and I have ideas for that, too, but if those didn't make it here, then how did the sequel fare? Well, I decided to spoil myself a little and I checked out at least the ratings of the people I follow. And..they're even lower. I'll watch it to see if my worry is warranted, but I think I know what the answer is. Would I recommend to watch Owari no Seraph? I cannot say. It is such a hard question for me to answer. But if you are interested with the premise, the concepts, characters..I'd say to watch it, form your own opinion. Don't believe everything I say about Seraph. I hope this review has been at least somewhat readable, if you can even call it a review. But it is how Seraph made me feel. Conflicted. So conflicted that I cannot write a reasonable, comprehensive review of it all. _~~~Is it conflictingly good or conflictingly bad?~~~_



ENJOYED, easy to watch AND HELD MY ATTENTION ! WATCHED REALLY QUICKLY DIDNT realise how quick I watched it. But it also was a 12 ep and that showed lol Some spoilers throughout PROS: guren and mika are so pretty, the UNIFORMS ARE SO PRETTY. I loved how by the end it really showed how both sides are bad because how they just testing on yu without telling him? And I liked the last line of the last ep that both yu and mika wanna save each other but both sides aren’t really the best. Even tho obvs would rather be with the humans. I like the purple girl I loved her character a lot ! Though I hope she’s not just reduced into love interest and they say more about her background later and how she was strong before she met yu. I also thought the animation was pretty too, I thought it was newer than 2015. Minus jujustu kaisen I don’t think I’m the right person to judge fighting animation LOL I thought it did the job and was fun CONS ; I mentioned how I liked the drama around the testing on yu but because that was only mentioned twice in dialogue and then yu woke up from it on the last episode there was no anger about how they decided to experiment in him? But I guess that should be season 2 stuff. the background was weird sometimes not really matching the characters ? I also thought it was weird that we never saw them actually training to fight and they had no other experience fighting vampires? They all just were able to fight Noble vampires which were so much stronger than them? Also I guess because it was only 12 eps but I wanna hear more about mika, guren and purple one. Especially because they’re talking like they’re part of big boy powerful families I wanna know MORE. IDK if this is a pro or con but yu reminds me of season 1 eren? Wanting to just be strong and fight and all main characterish. Though unlike season 1 eren, yu didn’t have any phase when he failed or lost? He just constantly won. So I hope yu grows more and moral conflict n that. The music was ok, not bops to add to my playlist. I did love the piano tune on the last episode. Character design was okay I thought the girls were pretty and nobles on both sides but everyone else was eh? (Minus guren and mika) Surprisingly I liked yu, when I usually have main character hate syndrome and he literally falls into typical too strong for no reason without training main character trope lol. Gonna watch the second season, I hope there’s more character development because there was literally NONE here. I said I enjoyed it but I have a whole CHUNK of cons. I also think I’m easy to please with animes so that’s probably why LOL. The brown haired kid reminded me of season 1 armin at the beginning.



I absolutely loved Seraph of the End (Owari no Seraph)! The relationship shown between Yuichiro and Mikaela was really meaningful to me and awoke a lot of emotions inside me. When I first saw the anime suggestion appear on Hulu while browsing for something to watch since I was really, really bored, I knew I had to watch Seraph of the End (Owari no Seraph) when I read that it was about the world being taken over by Vampires—a concept I’m a big fan of. Based off my past experience of watching High School of the Dead—an anime about high schoolers struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse, I thought that Seraph of the End (Owari no Seraph) would be pretty good too. The first two or three episodes were amazing and the writers did an amazing job of introducing fans to the anime’s dystopian vampire-run world. The openings were really good as well, especially the first one, X.U., which is my favorite of the two openings. I’m still giving Seraph of the End (Owari no Seraph) a 100/100, even though there were a couple things in the anime that I wasn’t too fond of. For starters, the Four Horsemen of John. The Four Horsemen of John thingies were random and made no sense. I believe they were just meant to be filler enemies for Yuichiro & his squad to fight when there weren’t any vampires around. Second, the sun. Everybody knows that vampires DO NOT LIKE SUNLIGHT! Literally every vampire-themed show or movie ever made has made it pretty clear that vampires are deathly afraid of sunlight touching their skin, since the sun burns their skin. However, in Seraph of the End (Owari no Seraph), the vampires are totally chill in the sun! They can do whatever they want, whenever they want! I think this made them a little bit… for lack of a better word/phrase… overpowered or “OP.” Third, the weapons. The anime spent like two or three (I don’t remember for sure which number it was) episodes showing Yuichiro, Kimizuki, and Yoichi trying to earn/get Black Demon Series weapons capable of killing vampires. Now I like the idea of only weapons made with a special material being able to kill vampires, demons, zombies, etc. but the whole demons inhabiting those weapons was slightly odd to me at first. Also for the vampires’ weapons… I didn’t like them at all. The fact that they became more powerful/stronger or whatever when they drank their wielder's blood which also turned the sword’s blade red was kind of weird. First of all, vampires are mostly shown as stone-cold, bloodless and mindless monsters; and therefore, shouldn’t have any blood of their own to begin with! Like in the Twilight series, vampires were pale, didn’t have their own blood, and their bodies shattered apart like glass or ice when someone broke their neck or limb off. I just think the vampires could’ve been fixed a bit to make them better. And on that note, I'm ending my review with a simple question: WHEN ARE WE GETTING SEASON 3?!?! I WANNA SEE MORE MIKACHIRO!!!



Seraph of the end review Seraph of the End is a japanese fantasy/action anime and manga written by Takaya Kagami and was first published in 2012 (manga). It has 28 volumes (manga) and 24 episodes (anime), the third season will come out this year and will continue the story of the main character Yuichiro Hyakuya. The Story: A catastrophe caused by a virus killed all people over the age of 13 and the vampires came out of hiding to "protect the children", but they actually just want their blood. Yuichiro Hyakuya (The MC) lives with his "family" in a small house in the vampire city, but he and his best friend Mika try to escape, so when they are almost there, a very strong vampire kills Mika and all the other members of Yuichiro's family, and only Yu can escape. 4 years later, Yu wants to join the Moon Demon Company to avenge the death of his family... 7/10 The Plot: The plots were okay, nothing too mind blowing... 6/10 The Characters: I kinda dislike the main character Yuichiro, because he's really ADDICTED to power and wants to become strong, even if he dies because of that, and he's kinda dumb and doesnt really have any character development. But this anime has some good husbandos like Guren Ichinose or Shinya Hiragi and I really like Mika and Yoichi..BUT there are also a lot of characters that make me very angry, like Krul Tepes or Lord Crowley... But many of them dont have any character development... 6/10 The Art: Beautiful...I really like the artstyle of the anime, but the manga is soooooo beautiful GO READ IT At the very end of season 2, there was a _Thank You!_ picture and it melted my heart... 12/10 The Animation: The artstyle is okay, but the animation is kinda bad, especially the backgrounds, they literally look like oil paintings... 5/10 The Music: The opening of the first season was very, very good, I love it, but the second opening was kinda lame, I didnt like it a lot... 8/10 - X.U by Hiroyuki Sawano - scaPEGoat by Hiroyuki Sawano The Ending: I didnt really understand everything, but it was still very cool (Spoiler!!!), when Yuichiro became the Salt King, Mika finally switched sides and Lord Barthory killed Krul Tepes, but I hoped that Guren would become his normal self again, but he was still possessed by the demon, and I HATE Kureto!!! But I think there was a new vampire king (or queen?) and I first didnt know who that was until I read the manga. Yuichiro and his friends are now trying to save Mirai from Kureto who turned her into an angel...7/10 Bonus; The "kinda gay scene"... When Mika saved Yuichiro, he was also hurt very bad and needed to drink blood, but if he would drink human blood, he would turn into a full vampire, but if he wouldnt drink, he would die, so Yuichiro said that Mika can drink his blood, and at first Mika didnt wanted, but then...yea...it looked very very gay...Now I know why some people ship Yu and Mika... -100/10 Thank you for reading my review! >XArwin2010~~~~~~

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