Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

Ansatsu Kyoushitsu

The students of class 3-E have a mission: kill their teacher before graduation. He has already destroyed the moon, and has promised to destroy the Earth if he can not be killed within a year. But how can this class of misfits kill a tentacled monster, capable of reaching Mach 20 speed, who may be the best teacher any of them have ever had?

  • Type:TV
  • Languages: Tamil, Telugu
  • Studios:Lerche, Funimation, Kansai TV
  • Date aired: 10-1-2015 to 20-6-2015
  • Status:FINISHED
  • Genre:Action, Comedy, Drama, Supernatural
  • Scores:79
  • Popularity:495366
  • Duration:23 min/ep
  • Quality: HD
  • Episodes:22

Anime Characters




Ansatsu Kyoushitsu, AKA Assassination Classroom, has the sort of fun and silly premise that anime tends to become known for. It features on a classroom full of academically backwards students who are trying to kill their teacher--who is also a yellow smiley face with the body of a tentacle monster--before he destroys the earth at the end of the year. He can do it, too. He's already proved that by blowing a hole in the moon. Assassination Classroom certainly has some fun moments, mostly related to Koro-sensei's personality and how his body functions. But these moments tend to get repetitive fairly quickly, and the flaws of the series threaten to outweigh them. The rest of the cast is fairly lackluster. This is likely a side effect of its Too-Many-Characters Syndrome. There is an entire classroom worth of students, all of them introduced in the OP, but only one or two are memorable. I can think of four off the top of my head: Nagisa, Karma, Ritsu, and that one dude who has something close to a character arc but not a good enough one that I can actually remember his name. The rest are just a blur of faces and names that have pretty much no real relevance. What's more, the story doesn't often go anywhere. It is, as most shounen, deliberately drawn out so that the franchise can be milked for all it's worth. The result is that the plot largely becomes filler. Over the course of twenty-two episodes, we spend a bit of time learning how Koro-sensei functions and what his strengths and weaknesses are. The rest of the show is filled with Koro-sensei doing teacher things and the class combating other villains. These diversions would almost be welcome were they not a distraction from the real story. Sure, it's good that we're getting character development for these professors and students, but there are more pressing concerns. Namely, "why would such a cheerful creature threaten to destroy the Earth?" and "why does this creature want to teach a high school class?" I can ignore that the moon getting a big hole blown through it doesn't mess with gravity or tides. I can ignore that Koro-sensei can fly at mach 20 and is basically a giant emoji. But I can't ignore that the entire premise of the series is built on unanswered questions. The longer it continues, the more it seems like it's simply an excuse to create this specific situation. But instead of addressing these questions, we get a vague comment about Koro-sensei being a man-made biological weapon, then shrug off any other answers in favor of adding new villains so that we don't have to kill of Koro-sensei until sales start declining. Assassination Classroom is a funny joke that drags on for about 15 episodes too long. Sure, the concept is fun, but a concept can't carry a show. There are too many characters for them to get fleshed out and the plot refuses to progress. What we're left with is a series with glaring questions that only become more frustrating the longer they go unanswered. And the worst part is that the show gives no indication that they're considering addressing them anywhere in the near future. Three stars.



The weird part is, I can’t exactly pinpoint exactly what I enjoyed so much about this show. It wasn’t like each element was outstanding; more like the whole was much greater than the sum of its parts. The story was utterly absurd – there’s no way round this. The premise of a being who has promised to destroy the world, but not before he has taught a particular middle-school class for a year? Pure nonsense. Illogical. Irrational. And yet the story took itself so seriously, treating this nonsense for all the world like it was totally reasonable. Most plot points in the anime were thought out in a realistic way (like all the possible ways to kill their teacher, how to keep his identity under wraps, compensation from the government etc.) while ignoring the fact that the entire premise completely defies logic itself. Not in a fantasy way either; this story is set in real life. It was almost like the anime itself was the straight man in a comedy duo, a very specific type of humour that I personally found hilarious. Fascinating to watch, and exciting to boot. Although you basically know how the anime’s gonna end from the get go (simply because it’s that type of anime), there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you entertained, along with some cool fights and a few suspenseful moments. Who knew that a bunch of kids taking midterms and finals could be so much fun to watch? I certainly didn’t feel that way when I was taking mine. Something as ordinary as exams can be turned into a battle of minds. It reminded me a little of Light and L’s mental battles in Death Note. Characters next. Assassination Classroom has a big cast, and in just 22 episodes there’s obviously not enough time to cover every character in depth. We barely see any backstory from anyone. That doesn’t matter though, as these aren’t your normal anime protagonists. There aren’t any tragic backstories, absent parents, and they don’t have the endless power of nakama or unexplainable likeableness to rely upon. They’re basically a bunch of relatively normal middle-school kids. Each of them has their own little set of mannerisms, likes and dislikes. They’re a group, and they grow as a group. That isn’t to say that they’re all vanilla by any means. Nagisa, Karma, and Terasaka are all superb characters whose personalities change as they face various challenges in and out of the classroom (especially Nagisa, but that’s to be expected as the MC and all). Even the one-dimensional characters were fun to watch, because they all contributed something. Each student was an important part of the class, and this made the sense of camaraderie between everyone all the more heart-warming and believable. The only character I was confused about was Kayano. She appears on the front cover and a lot in the op themes, so I expected her to have a big part, but she was one of the least developed characters in the series. She could have done with a lot more screen-time, or at the very least have been featured in some more character interactions. Karasuma and Irina were good characters who were both interesting themselves (or comic relief, in Irina’s case), and able to act as plot devices when needed. So too the students in other classes, they spiced things up nicely during the exam arc in particular. But the best character by far is Koro-sensei. He just steals the show. Respect to Jun Fukuyama for a magnificent performance as his seiyuu. Koro-sensei’s incredibly volatile, switching from smug to angry to embarrassed within the blink of an eye. His sudden and frequent changes in mood keep the tone light, and keep you guessing what he’ll do next. He’s also a phenomenal teacher; he knows exactly what to say and when and how to say it. You could actually attribute the entire class’ growth to him. Most real-life teachers dream about being able to make a difference to their students’ lives the way Koro-sensei does in the anime. So many important and profound messages are hidden in this series. Don’t be fooled by the comedy aspect; the lessons Koro-sensei gives apply equally in the real world, and to all different areas of life. Even if you don’t like the anime as a whole, it’s still worthwhile to take the lessons from it. The music was catchy, lively, and although a bit too cheerful for some of the later episodes, it really did get me pumped up each time I heard it. The art was unusual, lots of strong lines and bright colours. It looked great, and the animation similarly so. All strong positives for the anime. Well, you can probably tell that I very much enjoyed this. I’ve seen a lot of school anime, and this is definitely one of the best. It has all the components a good show needs, and the assassination aspect was unique and refreshing. It does stray quite far from the original goal in the final arc and become much more like your standard shounen, but even those parts were immensely enjoyable because it felt like they actually built on the plot and characters that had been developed the rest of the series. I couldn’t wait to watch each new episode. I’d recommend to fans of…well, basically anything. Comedy’s a given, but there are a lot of other things to love in this anime too. Just don’t go in expecting a horror, romance, or thriller/mystery. XD



When I discovered the manga version of this book and was then inspired to learn about the mysterious and yet slightly creepy smile on the front cover, the short summary did prompt me to watch the anime. The simply hilarious idea that in a classroom full of assassins the goal is to kill your teacher. While one would first consider this anime to fall into the category of mystery/thriller, this preconception is contrasted by the personality of this teacher. Koro-Sensei (the unkillable teacher) is the best teacher the class ever had. The 3E that Koro-Sensei teaches is a class full of those who were considered too bad to continue on the main campus and were thus sent away to a smaller, older and secluded school campus. Before Koro-Sensei's arrival they seemingly had no chance of ever returning to the main campus as there was basically no suitable teacher wishing to help them. Koro-Sensei, on the other hand, is a teacher who takes it up as a challenge to change and help the students. Now comes the question: Why should they try to kill Koro-Sensei if he is such a good teacher? Well the answer is quite as hilarious as the act by itself. He is a supernatural being who after the moon exploded claims to have caused it to do so and threatens to destroy the Earth in one year's time. For some reason (later revealed in the 2nd season) he wishes to teach the 3E of this school. The next question that of course arises at this point: Why don't they simply kill him? Well, he can travel at Mach 20 and thus so fast that no assassin so far was able to kill him. Using the children at the school might at least give the government the chance of keeping an eye on him. And thus, coming from this comical and awkward background a wonderful story that demonstrates much more than the simple setting implies. Not only does the series creatively shows how this teacher may be their assassination target, but also their friend. The characters of the series evolve as well creating a spirit of community and hope within the students. Koro-Sensei on the other helps people to get better in their thinking and appears almost human with all of his faults. His superhuman nature on the other not only becomes visible when seeing his physical make, but also the extreme devotion with which he treats his students. Overall, the setting allows for a very entertaining, comical and also fun storyline to evolve from there. The anime is able to make the best from all of this making the anime effectively not only about assassination techniques, but essentially about how this community is able to work together when they are set against discrimination and harassment from the main campus. This anime has become one of my favourite anime because it exhibits how communities can work together and how individuals can advance themselves by trusting their own talent. Besides the hilariousness of the situation, the anime thus also gains a serious message that can be taken as a life motto.



Reading this anime's blurb, I had pretty huge doubts it would be as comical as its premise promised. I mean, the cast is huge, the plot is the simplest thing yet the anime goes on for 22 episodes and the designs are insane enough to make me doubt the anime's realism- as in, how the world and society worked in it compared to ours. And I was 100% right, but watching was still a lot of fun. The characters weren't walking clichés nor too interesting to steal the show; my favorite is Nagisa -we need more traps MCs- and when I realized that Karma was played by Nobuhiko Okamoto I laughed and was glad he got a role that wasn't just random yelling and threats. All the teachers were enjoyable- with Koro being the most developed of all the characters- and the students got introduction at the right times without overstaying their welcome to the point I had a good grip on everyone's basic personality. And ok, the plot is where it gets shaky. These kids have to kill their teacher or he's going to destroy the world. That kind of threat seems like it'd weigh down on them everyday, but it's barely present. They don't worry about letting great opportunities go and the stress that the whole world's fate is in their hand barely gives them pause. They aren't interested in knowing why Koro destroyed the moon, wants to destroy the world and is now teaching them. And none of them refuse to kill him after he gave them a motivational speech or straightened them up. All beliefs that this was happening in our world went out the window at episode 13, however, where one of the teacher gets a bad case of Out of Character-isis and they allow a guy to mercilessly beat the students all day long. Like, this whole system was already shaky, with the teachers and director encouraging bullying of the E class and shamelessly discriminating against them in ways that would've had the parents rioting in the streets, but when that happened my suspension of disbelief turned to me and decided we should part ways. Because that's 100% child abuse. It also nulls Koro's job since the guy changed all their schedule to be only physical training and I can't believe that the guy who loses his shit when students endanger themselves to kill him would let the sweetest, nicest 90 pounds girl get fucking slapped across the courtyard by a man three times her size. And the last arc also raised a lot of 'wtf is this' when a guy ~!poisoned half the class, sent assassin at the rest and clearly wants to murder them all,!~ and Koro was like 'you can't kill him'. Like dude what the shit? These kids have been training to kill your ass all this time but you don't want them to use these skills to defend themselves and rid the world of a madman? But I did enjoy myself a lot, even if it doesn't look like it haha. The penultimate arc was a lot of fun, as well as the last one apart for that one bullshit logic, the designs are colorful and pretty, the OPs are awesome and the animation is really smooth- haven't read the manga so I have no idea if it's just a panel per panel rendition or anime original at some points but either way it was cool.



_“The difference between the novice and master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried.”_ -Korosensei It’s been about a couple years since I last saw this anime, and all I could remember about it were good things. From the beautiful animation and scenery, to the priceless words of wisdom that Korosensei taught his class, and us. Assassination classroom is one of the few anime out there that embraces so many genres at once. Not only that, it does so effectively as well. As we watch E Class throughout the school year, we can’t help but start to feel like part of the class as Korosensei teaches us the valuable lessons in life. Something normally parents do! As a result of this masterful use of character interaction and development, these characters feel THAT much more real. It then allows us to connect and sympathize with the situations at hand, resulting in powerful and effective teaching moments. So without further ado, let’s begin my final review of season 1 of Assassination Classroom....Target On! Art and Animation: 8.7/10 - Now this may be a surprise to some of you since I said that the art and animation is BEAUTIFUL, but I do have my reasons. First and foremost, while the art itself is stunning when it comes down to the pure beauty of graphics, character design, and environment, it does lack considerably in day-to-day moments. You’ll find that there are many moments where the frames are a little choppy, resulting in rigid movements of the characters at odd times. Unfortunately, where it shines in this department is during the action-packed scenes where we get to really see how amazing this studio is at animation, but then the events in between are somewhat neglected. Nothing too bad though! Just these few key things gave this an above average score in Art and Animation. Soundtrack and Audio: 8.9/10 - Oh boy. Well I’m sure ALL of us remember the first time we saw the first OST of this anime.......and we would never forget it. As far as Soundtrack goes, it does fit the anime very well due to its cheery and energetic vibe. The second OST is also very decent, and complements the anime as well. If I were to give a score though on just purely the Soundtrack, id give it a 8.7/10. Nothing too crazy, but nothing too amazing as well. As far as audio goes, I’d give that a 9.2/10 for solid voice actors and VERY satisfying sound effects. This anime shines in its effects and doesn’t hold back during scenes full of action, which allows us to enjoy it that much more. Storyline and Character Progression: 9/10 - Well, as far as this department goes, we don’t see a HUGE jump and focus of character progression OR storyline. Some of you may disagree, which is understandable, but let me explain why I feel this way. First of all, when characters ARE developed, they get 2 episodes max of spotlight....and then aren’t even mentioned throughout the rest of the season. Also, the only ones who really get development are ones like Nagisa, Karma, Miss Hella B!tch, and of course......Korosensei. This is to be expected though since they all are pretty much main characters, the biggest problem though is how LONG it took for them to be developed. It took a whole 20+ episodes (granted there’s a whole class of people we want to learn more about) to develop these people just a little bit......just enough for us going into season 2. In my opinion, I believe that season 1 is better described as a “primer” to get us ready for the crazy, nonstop pacing of season 2. While the development was great, and best of all INTERESTING, it was very light in terms of development. This may be because I’m used to the deep development we see in romance/dramas, but hey, this is a critical review after all! And there you have it! After a trip down memory lane and getting hit with huge waves of nostalgia, I’m glad to say that i thoroughly enjoyed my rewatch of this stunning anime. If you’re wondering about starting up on this one, I say: GO FOR IT! This is an anime I highly recommend to all who are thinking of starting up on anime. This is mainly because it’s entertaining, unique, and catches your attention EVERY episode. It’s such a great anime to recommend because it encompasses MANY different genres such as action, adventure, psychological, comedy, and even drama, romance, and slice of life! Korosensei is there to teach us all there is to life! Because as he says: _“Those who can't do what they have to when the time comes for action will find their presence fading in our classroom. An assassin who neglects to sharpen his blade is no assassin at all. He's just a boastful brat swinging around a rusty sword."_ So, without further ado, my final score on Assassination Classroom is a respectable 8.9/10. While it shines in aspects of Character Interactions and Animation scenes full of action, it digresses and loses its solid performance in the “in between” moments. If you’ve seen this anime already and loved it, then I REALLY recommend you watch season 2. If you’ve finished season 2, rewatch it! I got so much more out of it with my second rewatch, it even made me enjoy and appreciate it a lot more. If you’ve never heard of it, watch it RIGHT NOW. You definitely won’t regret it, until next time though......see you in class! ~~~img220( ~~~Streaming Platform: Crunchyroll~~~



I can understand why anyone would not like this anime. Nothing much happens. It gets repetitive. It feels more like a Slice of Life than what you'd expect from a fast-paced, full-of-fights anime. But it's quite a joyful ride. What made me first start watching the series is the extremely bizarre plot. I have yet to watch something similar to this idiocy. Now mind you, I'm not saying it in an offensive way. If anything, I'm amazed I was entertained throughout the whole show. The anime relies on its comedy and development of characters more than it relies on going anywhere. Which is what you'd expect after reading the synopsis. I mean, what else would go on other than random characters trying to kill our dear octopus? Story: 6/10 It's quite straight forward and laid in the synopsis. And that's all there is to it, really. If you don't like the idea or think it's silly, don't try to watch the show. I, myself, found it so dumbly funny, and that didn't change in the whole 22 episodes. While the show doesn't have much to rely on and tries to be funny, I didn't laugh much. But I wasn't bothered, either. The key here is that it never failed to entertain me. Another thing that I shouldn't have liked much is how repetitive it gets. We see an almost exact execution in episode 13 and 22. but the keyword here is: should've, because at the end of the day I never once got bored. Characters: 6/10 Koro-sensei is quite a character! He's very wholesome for someone who wants to destroy mother Earth once and for all. I wanted to know more about him other than the flimsy useless flashback we get to see at the very beginning. But he's one hell of a teacher I wish I had in school. And has a very remarkable laugh, that is. The only character that truly bothered me is Irina Jelavic. Or shall I say your episodic dose of second-hand embarrassment. I understand that's the shounen anime and they have -for some reason- to have this dumb, moronic female characters with huge boobs that do nothing but shove them in people's faces. While they do try to make her useful towards the end, the character had no role but being a weird sexualized idiotic object, her existence was very unneeded. The other characters were fine themselves, there are all possible cliches but they don't -at all- feel forced or one dimensional, the anime takes its time to give most of them some sort of depth. There wasn't anything special about them, though. I did take a liking to Nagisa and I wish to know more about him in the second season. Art: 7/10 It's the classical anime we all know and like to see. There's no denying that Koro-sensei's character, specifically, annoyed me to death. After all, there isn't much effort going in a smiley face and lousy tentacles, is there? I understand it's drawn this way for some irony/comedy, but it fell short for me. Nagisa's hair is also a little (too) silly but the art overall is very pretty and something I enjoyed watching. Sound: 4/10 That's where the anime falls short. The soundtracks are so unremarkable I can barely remember anything. Enjoyment: 8/10 I watched it in a span of a few days, it's not a binge watch material like many series I have seen, a couple of episodes a day provided me with enough entertainment. Just throw any kind of logic in the bin if you truly want to enjoy this show, there is so much that does not make sense but what can we expect, when the synopsis is as weird as it gets, right? Overall Rating: 7/10 I look forward to watching the second season.



At school, you may have some boring teachers, and you may sleep through their lessons; then, you may also have some teachers you actually like, and you're actually engaged in their lessons. For example, the teacher for assassination class is - Wait, assassination?! Since when does a school teach their students about assassination?! Well, if you're in Class 3-E of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, you would know the answer to that question. I don't remember exactly when it was that I first found out about Assassination Classroom, nor do I remember when was it that I decided that I was going to watch it; all I can say is that it was very enjoyable. Ladies and gentlemen, tentacles all over, here is my review for Assassination Classroom. Assassination Classroom begins with a large portion of the moon being destroyed, turning it into a permanent crescent. (That's right, folks, full moons are now a thing of the past!) The one responsible for this catastrophe is a giant, yellow, octopus-like.... thing. Oh, you know how I mentioned what happened to the moon? Yeah, apparently, Earth's next, but first, the octopus thing, eventually named Koro-sensei, wants to teach Class 3-E at Kunugigaoka Junior High for a year! As a result, the students of Class 3-E are given an assignment; they have to assassinate Koro-sensei before graduation, with the prize for doing so being 10 billion yen! Of course, with that big of a bounty on his head, it's obvious that Koro-sensei is no easy target; he can move at Mach 20 speed, which makes it easy for him to dodge all of their attacks. It's not just that that's getting in their way (although Nagisa Shiota does take notes on his weaknesses); it's also how Koro-sensei is the best teacher they have ever had. Much emphasis on ever is used here, considered how badly Class E is normally treated. Yeah, the story of Assassination Classroom can be quite interesting. It has a bit of a comedy/slice-of-life feel mixed with all of the students' attempts to assassinate their teacher, and it mixes in a bit of the academics, as well. What makes the story of Assassination Classroom interesting, however, is its characters. This anime is full of interesting characters, with not even one dull one. Saying that Koro-sensei is a great teacher is a great understatement; despite how he plots to destroy the Earth the way he did the moon, he puts his students first. He doesn't just teach them school subjects; he teaches them about life and goes above and beyond to help them with their problems. Koro-sensei isn't the only interesting character, though. A majority of the Class E students are likable, especially Karma, Nagisa, Kayano, and Ritsu. If there's any character in this anime I don't like, it's any student besides those in Class E; I just hated how poorly Class E is treated by others. They may be the lowest class, but the LEAST you could do is be at least a LITTLE bit nice to them! The animation in AssClass (am I the only one who is amused by this abbreviation?), done by Lerche, was very well-done. It really stands out in the action scenes; with the fluid animation in the action scenes, you can really feel yourself getting into it. I alternated between watching this in Japanese (with English subs) and English (dubbed, of course), and I have to say that both versions have good voice acting. I also liked both opening themes, "Seishun Satsubatsu-ron" and "Jiriki Hongan Revolution"; they were very upbeat. While the ending theme, "Hello, shooting star", was also great, sometimes, I didn't feel it didn't really fit this anime. Overall, Assassination Classroom is a very good anime. If you like anime that focus on teachers trying to teach their students (some other examples being Negima and Denpa Kyoushi), I think I'd automatically recommend this one. There are quite some interesting and funny things happening in the assassination classroom, where the students are assassins and their target is their teacher!



Hello! I've been anticipating writing this review for a while, but wanted to get some other reviews out first, plus as I've watched smaller anime's I've also wanted to review those. If you look on my Anime List you'll see how highly I've ranked Season 2 of this show and I'll explain why in that review, but first I want to discuss this first Season. Spoilers Ahead DUH! The general gist of the show is simple and enjoyable, a classroom of students tasked with killing their teacher, instantly sets up for a promising show filled with strategy and funny moments, and it does deliver this well. The first bunch of episodes were very enjoyable, as it was a new anime with a fun cast of characters and good plot. When it started to slow, they introduced Karma who instantly changes the speed of the story as he is the first to actually damage Koro-Sensei which caught even me off guard and hyped me up. Not only that, but he is a completely new personality and brings new fun moments and relationships. About halfway through the show i began to lose interest, it felt that there was nothing going on, no big plots, no sudden changes. While i did enjoy the Exam arc against Asano, who was another good introduction, the show did begin to lose me, however i was brought back in even stronger than previously by the Island Arc. This was a great Arc as it showed a massive elaborate plan that works to a point, it was great to watch that occur and then a complete twist occurs, with the lives of the beloved students being put in a life-threatening situation and we finally get to see all the characters put their learnt skills to the test in a dangerous situation. This whole Island Arc compeltly changed my view on the Series, both the genius Assassination and the entire Hotel Arc of fights and Outsmarting, down to Nagisa's final battle. Character-wise, for this first Season it introduces 30 or so characters, some of them are easy to remember compared to others and even now I could probably only name a Maximum of 10 if that. This unfortunately was always going to be the case with such an abundant character pool. Also i felt it wasn't clear in this first season who the Main character was until towards the End. There are 3 characters with "Anime Hair" those being Nagisa, Karma and Kayano and throughout the series it centers on different characters throughout so other than Koro-Sensei I felt there wasn't an abundance of any one character more than others.The characters themselves are all extremely enjoyable each with their own traits, Nagisa is quiet and Shy, Karma is arrogant and Sly, Koro-Sensei is lovable and funny. All the characters are easy to love and I wouldn't say any would be easily replaceable. The animation style is actually really good and while it isn't going to be some masterpiece, for the show it is for, it's a perfect fit and enjoyable to watch. While I may have lost interest part-way through, there were still some good Arcs other than the Island, the other School Trip Arc, Exams, Professor Bitch, Training with Karasuma and Takaoka. Overall, the first season was still greatly enjoyable, even when interest dropped, it did remain an enjoyable show and picked back up very strongly and quickly.



Disclaimer: This review goes over seasons 1 and 2. I heard there was a movie? and whether it’s cannon or not doesn’t matter, (I don’t know if it’s even real) it will not be included in this review. I also, will not be giving a summary of the story (like other reviews) because that’s lame and boring. There may or may not be spoilers (you’ll never know >:3), so I recommend you watch the show (duh) before reading. This review is just to go over why I liked the show and what aspects of the show resonated with me. That being said… If you expect to see anything other than my opinion, then you will be severely disappointed and I recommend you find another review, thanks :) Oh, where to start? This show had quite a lot to unpack. For starters, the concept is fascinating, how it ties into the plot. It really pulls all the main events of the show together, but we’ll get to that later. First off, one thing I loved was how main events from each episode were used as lessons and how they were used to develop the characters and plot. It all seemed to tie everything together nicely. These important events seem bring up the reoccurring battle of past vs future (This might be a stretch so hear me out). What’s important is the past of individuals lives, how they effected the future of the plot. For example, Koro-sensei’s past with the grim reaper really shaped the outcome of the show (outcome being episode 24 of season 2). Koro-sensei’s act of teaching that small boy to become an assassin under his wing but not giving him his wanted attention at the same time. It sets the stones of what becomes of that boy, which all ties the plot together quite nicely, doesn’t it? While we’re on the topic, Koro-sensei really was one of the overall selling points for me. The uncertainty of how his foundations were laid really seems to let off a sense of distrust between Koro-sensi and the viewer. Yet at the same time he builds his own new foundations, it being with his students, which personally resonated with me as a viewer. It’s crazy to even think about it, a previously unknown being, one who shares his wisdom with Junior High students, even though he can destroy the planet. His motives on why seem unclear at first. Though, Koro-sensei really seems to bring that wisdom to the viewer too. There’s always a message you can take away from his lessons. It’s like he’s teaching us too. Which brings me on to my next selling point! One thing that I really adored about the show was the characters and the way they develop. The characters developed in a way that can relate to each individual characters as well as the viewer (in my case). Often providing insightful quotes with his lessons, it feels like she shares his wisdom with everyone, including me. That’s why I love this show, it balances the straightforward plot of assassination, along with insightful messages with means of teaching one to become better as a whole. Koro-sensei became more than a target, more than a foe. He became a true mentor. He started off as the enemy and shifted over the course of the show as a leader, a guardian you could say. This is blatantly apparent at the ending when they struggle to murder him despite being right under their fingertips. Something they’ve worked towards for years. What should have been a moment to savor, never seemed so bitter. This made the ending emotionally impactful for the characters and viewers (I genuinely cried for 10 minutes after that scene). For what started out as a straightforward goal of killing your teacher became a learning experience for students and teachers alike. From E class being shunned down on, to being “somewhat” looked up to, really highlights one of the many messages I picked up. Which is, the fact that sometimes what you originally want, isn’t always what you need. Thanks for your time, Timmycat9



(Review edited and restructured) Introduction: An ordinary high school class tasked to kill an octopus creature that is responsible for exploding the moon?? It was the second anime series that I watched, and I found the character design unique, I was initially skeptical towards the plot. Then, I followed the series and discovered that this series has everything I like, from the OP/ED, the character arcs, suitable hilarious comedic moments, good fight scenes, interesting or likeable characters, impactful moments and lessons, and so on. Now it remains in my top 5 anime series of all time. What I like: - Multiple characters spotlights or growths At least half of the 20+ casts are given spotlights for this season. The spotlights are given either through its dedicated arcs ~!(Sugino, Kanzaki, Irina)!~, or are contained in major arcs ~!(Karma, Hayami, Chiba)!~. Even the minor "antagonists" are not exempted from character developments ~!("Red Eye")!~. - "Superman written well" ~!At first I did not like that Korosensei was depicted as an overpowered despicable bad guy. Luckily, the first few episodes quickly dispersed my perception towards him. In addition he is hilarious, loveable, dependable, wise, and badass, a role model many can look up to; and despite all of this "perfect" traits, he still has a room to improve,as shown when the episode when 3E class failed the first examination!~. - Soundtracks are bangers All of them, including OP, ED, BGM - Good fight scenes Although not the main focus and not particularly sophisticated, the fight scenes have clean animations, they are impactful, and the fight scenes did not feel like they were dragged unnecessarily. One of my favourites is ~!Karma vs Grip (one of Takaoka's hired assassin)!~. - Good major plots ~!2 major plots centered around class 3E students, who have been unjustly outcasted by the fundamental flaws of education class systems, a circumstance relatable to real life (minus the assassination thing). Due to these plotlines, we naturally want to see E class students succeeds in their endeavours.!~ - Good twists They create unstaleness and unpredictibality. Examples including ~!Takaoka destroying the serum, Koro Sensei giving life lessons to "Red Eye", Karma "failing" the examination!~. What I dislike: - Some characters are slightly underutilised ~!I think Irina should be used more, I did not get to feel her direct impact towards class 3E, in terms of skillsets and lessons (it was probably mentioned a few times by the students, but that's about it). Some of the students spotlights are missing as well, though I suppose giving spotlights to everyone is almost impossible. I would prefer if some of them are not used purely for comedy (looking at you, Okajima and Terasaka's group (excluding Terasaka himself))!~. Overall: - One of the best animes personally - 10/10, as in a not necessarily perfect, but a complete satisfying series - Definitely recommend to watch, especially for high school students



~~~__Ladies and gentlemen, pause everything and anything you're watching/reading right now to make room in your schedule for this classterpiece.__~~~ ___ If you've been a part of the anime community for a while, you've probably seen this show around a few times. You may have even watched (and most likely loved it), but if you have been living under a rock or if you have been putting off watching this show for some reason, then I might finally convince you to just start it. Assassination Classroom is a show best to go in blind for, because the things this anime manages to pull off are remarkable. This review is spoiler-free and will be about both season one and two. ___ ~~~__Goofiness as a tool for subversion__~~~ Okay, let me be honest with all of you, this anime seems hella goofy. How can an anime about a yellow octopus from outer space teaching a low ranked class that are simultaneously trying to assasinate him not sound goofy? It's an aspect of the show that puts a lot of people off from giving it a go, and that's honestly such a shame. I didn't love it either at first, but gradually I realized that the contrast between the darker, more emotional moments and the wacky, goofy moments makes for such a good juxtaposition. If you give this show time, it'll reach an emotional depth not seen in many shounen anime, and It'll be one of the most fulfilling anime watching experiences you'll ever have. ~~~img500( ___ ~~~__A showcase of growth through flawed individuals__~~~ Along the way of this anime, you'll learn to appreciate every single one of these characters (except for you Irina Jelavic) and grow alongside them to learn to be a better person (and a better assassin). I think it's fascinating that the story focuses on the lowest ranking class because it adds a layer of depth to these characters that you wouldn't get with your typical class. Every person in this class has their own struggles or negative quirks, which makes them utterly captivating to see them change and improve their flawed selves. Not only that, but they're also just a really fun bunch of characters, with great chemistry and funny interactions alongside Koro-sensei. Koro-sensei adds an engrossing dynamic between the (relatively) normal students and himself. The student-teacher relationship gets more and more conflicting as the story progresses, which makes for an interesting ride. The story itself is quite interesting too, as the students try to find out more and more about their new space sensei and along the way have to find a way to kill him. The relationship between the students and the teacher changes so drastically that the story and the goal take a different direction than one might expect (that's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil it). ~~~img500( ___ ~~~__Some negatives + Final thoughts__~~~ No piece of art is perfect and that certainly goes for Assassination Classroom as well. One of the main flaws is that it might be hard to get into since it is very different from your normal shounen anime. I personally love the goofy aspect as well as the serious underlying tones, but when I first started, I didn't quite see the subtle intricacies in the tone of the story. The other thing that brings down the score for me is the beginning. The first episode is great but after that, it takes a nosedive in terms of quality for a few episodes. That's why it takes a good few episodes for it to finally be worthwhile. The conclusion today is that, although Assassination Classroom isn't perfect, it still manages to be way more than meets the surface. The plot is solid and very entertaining, the characters are great and have lots of interesting dynamics that change over the course of the series, the goofiness is something that highlights the dramatic moments and the ending/resolution is perfect. I would certainly recommend to people who are deceived by the wacky looking exterior as it might just become one of your favorites! ~~~Img500( ___ ~~~Hope you liked my review and have a tremendous day today!~~~



I watched the English dub of Assassination Classroom (Season1) on Funimation and I have to say that it has to be one of my favorite shows. My favorite thing about it I think has to be the way that each character’s abilities are highlighted. One character may not be good at English, but they’re really good at maths and science, such as Manami Okuda. Using her as an example, the show highlights her talents and gives her character a purpose rather than being just like every other student. It even highlights the background characters and gives them each their own personality. This show is very well thought out and is really addictive. Although I do think it is a little silly all of the porn references, it may not be the best pick to watch in front of your family. With that aside, it is one of my top favorites and I can’t wait to watch Season 2. I myself am quite the fan of dubbed anime because it allows me to focus on other things, such as drawing, while the show goes on. This is one of the shows that I enjoyed so much that I’d be willing to rewatch it or even rewatch it subbed. I feel like it would be interesting to see how different the conversations are, especially with how well-thought out this show is. In the end, I’m really excited to keep watching and I hope that the ending doesn’t disappoint me. As cliche as it is, I think my favorite characters are likely Nagisa and Karma. I’m also quite fond of Hayami and think that her character design is quite pretty. SEASON ONE SPOILERS: I also just overall enjoy how the adults are introduced and there are quite a few plot twists, especially the bad villain at the end turning out to be one of the adults you had met previously. Also the three assassins under his wing that had a good heart and didn’t want to harm the kids, that was really nice to see and it made the ending so much more sweeter. Though that there is a Season2, I’m assuming that the kids actually find a way to kill Koro-Sensei, I really hope that it doesn’t come to that. Throughout the season you see each of the kids develop their own personal connection to the students. Okuda was doing chemistry with him, Sugino found hope in his pitching again because of him… he is just a great motivator. Even Nagisa mentioned that it is going to be hard to kill him morally because he has been an amazing teacher to them. Not only teaching them in ways no other teacher would try, but also giving them the hope that they had lost as soon as they’d been shipped off to Class E. The thought of Koro-Sensei dying is heartbreaking to me but at the same time, I feel as though it would make an interesting ending for the show.

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